Human Relations- Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills (GE)12版會員好康
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Human Relations- Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills (GE)12版會員好康曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: 博客來網路書局 Accomplished author and national speaker, Andrew J. DuBrin brings his expertise of Human Relations and Business Psychology to this exciting Twelfth edition. Focusing on today’s work environment, the book takes a two-pronged approach that improves interpersonal skills by first presenting basic concepts and then by featuring a heavy component of skill development and self-assessment.
The twelfth edition includes a wealth of experiential exercises, including new cases and self-assessment quizzes that can be completed in class or as homework.
This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students.
1.Relate Concepts to What’s Happening Today, Personally and in the Workplace: Give students hands-on ways to develop practical human relations skills and stay involved in class.
2.Reinforce Concepts and Build Skills: Proven pedagogy, exercise sets, and end—of-chapter material are all geared towards ensuring students grasp the concepts.
3. Keep your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, research findings, and examples appear throughout the text. Twelve of the case openers and twenty-four cases are new.
怦然心動的說話術:3秒鐘留下好印象 | 吸睛:表達力就是吸引力 | ||
邏輯這樣用,才能解決各種難題:結合5大心理技巧,活化你的邏輯力,收服所有人! | 幽默是一種人生智慧 | ||
臨場說話的技術:年收3千萬,日本人氣講師親自傳授33個「急智溝通術」,讓對方啞口無言、鼓掌叫好! | 不說謊,我們活不下去! |
- 新功能介紹 作者: DuBrin
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/04/01
- 語言:英文
Human Relations- Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills (GE)12版會員好康
快速了解男人的讀心術 | 讓男人乖乖聽話的幸福絕招 | ||
讓妳幸福的「男人」培育法 | 真愛吸引力法則 | ||
最放不下愛(第五版) | 出走,是為了愛 (第四版) |
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Asus 推出機械人管家 Zenbo , 外型抄足 iMac G4
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當然 Asus 也不是把 iMac G4 完全抄過來就算 , Zenbo 底部就裝有車輪 , 可以走動 . 跟著主人走都不是問題 . Zenbo 會主動語音提醒重要資訊 , 包括提醒你準時吃藥 . 官方提到 Zenbo 可以是個小看護 , 當你家中有個老人如果不慎跌倒 , Zenbo 還可以即時通知家庭成員(子孫) , 家庭成員可以控制 Zenbo 前去 , 利用前置的鏡頭查看情況 .
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售價方面就要 US$599 , 即大約(HK$4660 或 NT$19560) . 不過發售日就未知 , 可能很遙遠….
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Human Relations- Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills (GE)12版會員好康